Why The Data Customer Isn't Always Right

Extract. Transform. Read.

A newsletter from Pipeline: Your Data Engineering Resource

Hi past, present or future data professional!

Data engineers get bothered a lot; but this is a good thing because stakeholders (a.k.a. our customers) know the value of the service and data we provide. Unfortunately, there can be a disconnect between how long a data engineer thinks something will take and how long a stakeholder is willing to wait, which is why it’s important to prepare responses to common delivery questions.

Fortunately, providing measured responses is a skill that can be developed; if you’re currently working a customer service role (as I did), you’d be surprised how transferable skills like courtesy and conflict resolution can be. Depending on your org (or future org), you’ll likely be expected to interface with data consumers in some way, and if your boss or whole team are out for a period of time, you’ll really be expected to step up your responsibilities.

Despite many departments within your org requesting data, one of your most “demanding” peers might be on your team. To thrive in your first quarter at work and beyond as a data engineer it’s critical to not only develop good relationships with senior team members, but do all you can to avoid being “annoying” and, instead, embrace self-sufficiency.

To avoid annoying you, here are this week’s links as formatted text:

Thanks for ingesting,


Pipeline To DE

Top data engineering writer on Medium & Senior Data Engineer in media; I use my skills as a former journalist to demystify data science/programming concepts so beginners to professionals can target, land and excel in data-driven roles.

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